Symposium Registration Form

Symposium Registration Form

  • Africa Mediation Symposium

    The Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators welcomes you to register for the Africa Mediation Symposium which will take place on 31st October 2024.
    Theme: Our Theme this year is "Mediation Discourse: Advancing Practices in the African Landscape"
    Venue: Physical attendance will be at the Nairobi Safari Club, Lilian Towers, University Way, Nairobi, Kenya.
    The attendance link will be sent out to all the registered virtual participants as we near the conference date.

    Join us in Nairobi this October and unlock a world of possibilities in the realm of professional mediation.

  • Please enter a number from 18 to 90.
  • Conference Fee

    The registration will only be completed upon payment of a non-refundable registration fee payable to ICMC via:

    KCB Bank, Account Number 1237805414
    Haile Selassie Branch KCBLKENX
    Swift Code: 01288
    MPESA Paybill Number 522522
    Account Number 1237805414

    As this is a blended conference, the registration fee varies as follows:
    -> Physical attendance: KSH 5,500/USD 45 for a member or KSH 6,500/USD 55 for a non-member.
    -> Virtual attendance: KSH 3,500/USD 30 for a member or KSH 4,500/USD 35 for a non-member.

    For further information, please contact us via phone on +254 714 390371/ +254 707 124831 or email